Tag Dragonflight Dungeons

John Barrymore March 26, 2024 6 minutes
This blog post provides a list of easy tasks to complete in order to earn points for the March 2024 traveler's log. These tasks include completing heroic dungeons, dragonflight world quests, quests, and world quests, as well as engaging in various other activities such as changing appearances, sampling food, and defeating world bosses.
John Barrymore November 16, 2023 3 minutes
Blizzard has announced the upcoming Patch 10.2.5 for World of Warcraft, titled Dragonflight: Seeds of Renewal. This update will introduce Dragonriding to all old-world continents, as well as a new Public Event, the Azerothian Archives, where players can uncover the history of the Dragon Isles. Additionally, the update will include the opportunity to reclaim Gilneas and new character customizations for Trolls and Draenei. Stay tuned to the official World of Warcraft news site for more information